Monday, December 20, 2010

LSD-Love,sex and deception

LSD----LOVE SEX ‘AUR’ DECEPTION……………………………….
LSD, oh yeah, I have heard about it and may be will have one for myself. I am once bitten but not twice shy. It keeps coming. The trip is so transcendental that you start having out of body experience and when you are back into reality, the hangover never lets you sleep. Oh common now, I am not talking about the drug counterpart LSD but the Acronym of life -LSD-love,sex and deception. The drug LSD gets you divinely creative at least for minutes or hours, even Steve jobs have had his own share of LSD in Goa after which he went on to create his own different apple, but the LSD of life is rather destructive than creative.
You will never find a concoction as fatal as LOVE, SEX AND DECEPTION. May be more than a quarter of people in this world drank this concoction and lost their lives. Ha ha ha ha what an incredible tragedy. But I wonder how did Shakespeare survived and went on to create and preserve the LSD events for the ages to come.
Well let’s try to look at this riddle by using mathematics. In the following lines to come we will design a ‘parabolic graph’ of LSD. Surprisingly it is very typical to the conventional parabolic motion graph of a stone thrown in the air, with the only difference that the LSD parabola resembles more like the motion of a stone thrown 90 degree up in the air destined for a straight and steep fall. Contrasting to the conventional wisdom of mathematics, in ‘mad-o-matics’ all the three variables; love/sex/deception are positioned at y-axis. Time is at Y-axis. Follow the graph below for thorough understanding. However, now I have decided to name this graph as a ‘Pencil nip graph’ because of its appearance similar to a sharp pencil nip.
please refer to the graph you see....

So you can see in the graph that the log phase i.e. the extra exponential rise of love and sex in a relationship, is represented by line OA and the 'uber decline phase' in deception by line AB. One year is taken as the standard time for one period of LSD. The graph can continue further or cease depending on the nature of the persons involved and how often they fall in a relationship. Hence LSD is directly proportional to the fidelity record of two persons involved in a relationship.
Out of all the three variables; Love, Sex and deception, love and sex are complimentary to each other while deception is an attribute or a factor which shows up with time. Deception may be sensual or by chance but this does not make any difference to the formation of LSD.........Whatever it is, DECEPTION IS THE KEY and it is there to rock your bed of life.......

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