May be this blog of mine will be considered redundant just like the other ones. Ha ha....that's the perception of my own blogs after I write them and read them over and over again. Strange isn't? Signature move of a weirdo!
How would someone define an impression of a person? An overly simple question that psychologist’s are not interested to answer and laymen’s don’t care. Einstein’s theory of relativity could not accommodate the idea of human impression which is so arbitrary by its nature from individual to individual. His theory failed big time (Note: I am not playing Einstein here….I am just playing with the balls of his relativity theory. After all, I don’t make sense at all. Why do you care? ).
There are lots of yardsticks, personal and general, that a person employs to judge another person. I should rather say impression and judgment is synonymous to each other, at least in this sense if you're getting me (wait! am I lost?...oh no! I am still doing fine). Your impression of a person is the person’s performance in you judgmental head. Apparently, we all have our experiences with weirdoes, mavericks, nice people and the folks of the fourth kind out there which refines our criteria of judging a person. And these experiences are most often the tools we use to judge another person. But what if you meet someone who is not at all in the equation you laid out to explain the riddle of someone's impression on you? (Eh! good question Jimmy...but no one is interested)
Sometimes we meet people exactly of that kind- 'The Square pegs in the round holes'. The outlaws of the accepted notion. Such people have defied my own beliefs then and again and have forced me to rethink my own prejudices. I like this challenge of proving myself wrong.
I met this person (names withheld due to sensitivity of the issue) a month or two ago and since then I am constantly reshaping my mind in the process of understanding him/her. Let me make the subject feminine to make things easy. So, slowly she is turning out to be one of the most interestingly intellectual, brutally thought defying yet warm and a sensitive person I came across. Being quoted as 'brutally thought defying' is credited to the sabotage of my perceptions one after another by her. When I observe her and ponder on the kind of human species she belongs to, I come to realize that she's not one of the kind’s that are often found. When I look at her she looks like the happy go lucky person but the very next moment or little later her actions and thoughts proves me dead wrong. What emerges is a person that is careful and thoughtful of what she does and even though she screws up things, she knows she is screwing it up for sure. To me that is acute awareness ;-)....One moment I'll start believing she is not intelligent but then again a fork will stuck on the road and she will make me realize 'what intelligence is not', labeling me a fool. Talking to her gives an impression that she is just another sheep in the herd of everyone else but when I count my sheep I find that she is some extraterrestrial breed in disguise of an earthly sheep, with better awareness than the rest. However she gets all the fun being in the crowd and makes it hard for any casual onlookers to spot.
I being an extreme extrovert and a recluse sometimes can offend and confuse people quite often. Some have complained me of being irate. However she is the life of a party and can bring smile on anyone's face, even the most pissed off one with bipolar disorder (oops!). She is one of the persons I know who has never ending interest in life and looks at it as it unfolds, with all the curiosity. People can't stand to lose her company and she can't escape the attention either. Indeed she enjoys the attention. I don’t know my neighbors but she does, exemplifying her friendliness and amazing ability to interact seamlessly with people. Sometimes it makes me wonder how she pulls it off so cool, certainly a matter of envy for me.
One thing that I can never escape to look into people is the flexibility of their minds and thoughts. My idea of intelligent and intellectual elite starts with the foundation of a beautiful mind which is accommodative to all kind of different ideas and is not hardwired to become strongly biased towards one or the other. Majority of the people in this world is enslaved by the biased values of the society and it’s always an excitement to see someone break the gates and choose to live by herself. This trait is her signature stroke and that’s where I was bitten by her. Though this may be little premature to say since I have not seen her putting this trait of her into action but the magnitude and dimensions of conversations we had makes me believe that she is a free thinker and is aware of her thoughts. And if she is not I would suggest her to be one. She can’t lose this. That will piss me off…;-)
She is a curious wondering soul who wants to know things and if she is interested she can be all over it. She is one of those in a class who would stop a hysteric bunch of students laughing on a stupid looking idea and say ‘Hey, look! This guy may not make sense at all but let’s just try to see why he thinks so?’ It’s not just her beautiful mind that made the cut on my list of very impressive people but also the beautiful, compassionate and innocent person she is. I don’t know how far should I go to describe her impression on me but I think I better stop here and wait for her actions to do the talking. The time ahead will further refine her impression on me. Some of the things I have said might sound little exaggerative and premature but those are just the projections of my understanding of her. And even I am wrong I hope this exaggerated eulogy will at least make her live up to its expectation. However, the choice is all hers.